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My favorite concepts from over the years

Every project I have worked on has given me the opportunity to learn and evolve. Since starting my career, I have worked on a variety of projects, and in this section you can browse to get a sense of my skills and capabilities. Let me know if there’s a project you’d like to learn more about, I'm always open to discussing details. 

Liesl's Interview

Director of Photography & Sound Recordist for 2 Interviews

This documentary takes you along for the bumpy ride of infertility and how training for a grueling bike race helped this couple through it. I was given the privalidge to film 2 of the interviews. 1 in this makeshift room I made from scratch. With no prop budget, I asked and borrowed items from colleagues in our office space to prop the set. The 2nd interview was filmed within Liesl & Townsend's home. 

David Blaine's Bullet Catch

Sound Recordist

David Blaine, the man who revolutionized magic, returned to ABC for a Telelvision event in 2016. The television special features Drake, Sir Patrick Stewart, the average New Yorker and many more. Originally hired as a production assistant, I worked my way up to sound recordist by taking initiative, executing tasks given & soaking up everything like a sponge. I was lucky to work with such a great team. 

Pedro Pascal Laughing

Director of Photography & Sound Recordist

Esquire sat down with star of HBO's The Last of Us Pedro Pascal.

I was tasked with setting up, operating a camera & monitoring sound for this episode of "Explain This"

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